Before we dive in, let me introduce Olivia Foster, our new crafts contributor here at NANNY SHECANDO. We are so excited to have her join the team and can’t wait to get busy with the diy supplies. Just go easy on the glitter action ok, my crafts studio is still sparkling from the Christmas craft!
10 Essentials For Your Craft Box (Nanny Approved)
As a nanny to 7 creative kids, art & crafts are programmed into our schedule every day. Not only are they a great leisure activity, but they also foster the children’s learning and development.
I don’t know about you, but I could go crazy buying supplies for my arts & craft stash; filling box after box ready for a crafty week with my nanny-kids! So I’ve put together a list of 10 essentials for your craft box.
1. Paint
Painting is a creative, somewhat messy, versatile activity.
It is a confidence booster and encourages thought & decision-making through choices of colours, designs, shapes and patterns. Whether you use poster paint or watercolours, the options are endless & it is a great form of stress relief or ‘quiet time’ activity.
2. Googly Eyes
Googly eyes are an easy way to bring drawings and paintings to life or an important addition to rock people and play-doh creations.
3. Bubble Wrap
Rainy days when you’re stuck inside is the best time to bring out bubble wrap! Whether your charge is 2 or 10, they’ll be entertained for hours… or at least till they’ve popped every one. My favourite bubble wrap activities are;
> Hopscotch – cut out squares of bubble wrap and tape to the floor like a hopscotch court.
> Boots – tape bubble wrap to your charges feet like boots – optional to add paint and a large piece of paper.
4. Cotton Tips
Cotton tips are a great substitute to paint brushes.
For a mess-free activity to build fine motor skills, pour some paint into a zip-lock bag and use cotton tips to draw and/or write letters and numbers. Alternatively, use shaving cream or rice. Cotton Tips can also be used as bones for a Halloween skeleton craft.
5. Balloons
Whether I’m planning an activity, craft or just need to buy some time, balloons are a must!
Games include volleyball, tennis (rackets made from paddle pop sticks and paper plates) or simply, “don’t let the balloon touch the ground.” Balloon games promote gross motor skills, hand/foot eye coordination as well as communication skills.
For craft, fill balloons with water and use as a stamp with paint and a large piece of paper. Use as gift wrap to add a personal touch to a present.
6. Glitter, Gems & Sequins
I have a love/hate relationship with glitter. It seems like a good idea to begin with, but it WILL go everywhere and you WILL still find it around the house 3 days later.
For a *relatively* mess-free glitter activity, make a snow globe or calming bottle. To make a calming bottle, combine glitter/gems, warm water and glitter glue to a plastic bottle. Follow the same step to make a snow globe, gluing a small figurine to the inside of the lid. Use a hot glue gun to glue the lids shut. Mason jars are perfect for older children.
7. Pipe Cleaners
Pipe cleaners are a great alternative to string or elastic when threading beads, particularly for children aged 2+. It is easy to thread, holds its shape and can be manipulated into shapes, letters, numbers, bracelets etc. Pipe cleaner craft actively encourages concentration, hand eye coordination and strengthens the pincer grip.
8. Scissors
Using scissors is a tricky skill my NK’s (nanny kids) are always eager to learn.
Once they’ve mastered how to hold the scissors, start by rolling play-doh into worms and cutting up into small pieces. Then move onto strips of coloured card, cutting along thick straight, curved and zigzag lines.
Collect toy catalogues for children to cut out toys and paste onto a drawn shopping trolley, a letter to Santa or a simple ‘I wish’ list.
9. Large Roll of Paper
Although it won’t fit in a craft box, a large roll of paper is a resourceful tool for any arts/craft collection.
Tracing my NK’s bodies with markers is one of my go-to activities. Let their creativity run wild to decorate – paint clothing and body parts and/or apply fabric squares, cellophane, paper, etc to complete. We also identify and label body parts & hang for all to see!
10. PVA Glue
Glue is essential for completing a creative masterpiece. Source clear dry glue with a spout tip opening for easy application. Plus, you can even add glitter to the bottle for a little extra sparkle.
While I’ve only listed 10 essentials for your craft box, there are countless supplies you could add. Collect or invest in cotton buds, white and coloured paper and card stock, cellophane, crepe paper, wool, beads, buttons, popsicle sticks, feathers, pom-poms, wooden pegs, stickers, masking tape for easy kids crafts and activities.
Or recycle items from around the house such as toilet or paper towel rolls, yoghurt containers, envelopes, sponges, egg cartons, cereal and tissue boxes, newspaper and photographs to stock up your craft supplies. Happy Crafting!
>>> Do you have a craft box full of supplies at your house?
Olivia is a career nanny of 5 years and craft extraordinaire. Having travelled Australia working with many families, Olivia now resides in Sydney and cares for 7 children aged 15 months to 1o years old. Craft + diy activities feature prominently in their daily schedule. You can follow Olivia on instagram {@oliviasfoster} for crafty ideas and activities.
Awesome post! These are definitely some great tips on getting a craft box started. Googly eyes and pipe cleaners are certainly essentials. Thanks for sharing!
I agree with everything on this list – you can never have too many googly eyes! #letkidsbekids
Karen Hannah recently posted…Our princess-free Frozen night
We couldn t do without either bubble wrap or googly eyes in our craft supplies! A great list to get anyone started. #letkidsbekids
Multicraftingmummy recently posted…Valentines Day Arts and Crafts
Thanks multi crafting mummy, we’re big fans of googly eyes too!

Hope recently posted…Valentines Day: Easy Kids Craft
I almost have everything! Need to find some pipe cleaners and and bubble wrap. I love bubble wrap. #letkidsbekids

Abigail recently posted…Kuya V’s first competition
Bubble wrap will definitely be a winner with the kids Abigail!

Hope recently posted…Valentines Day: Easy Kids Craft
We too have almost all these bits on our craft box but I had not thought of adding balloons! #letkidsbekids

Loving life with little ones recently posted…Play with lots of lovely lentils
So glad we could give you some more ideas!

Hope recently posted…Valentines Day: Easy Kids Craft
I had slowly build up supplies for my son! Some of the things we use are my art supplies for my course. Art supplies are a must have esp when half term is coming to keep my son from boredom =) #letkidsbekids

Merlinda Little ( @pixiedusk) recently posted…At Last, A Winter Family Day Trip
I completely agree, the school holidays can get rather lengthy and tiresome if you don’t have some decent crafty activities planned to occupy the kids!

Hope recently posted…Valentines Day: Easy Kids Craft
Great rundown of things. We have most of this stuff and will definitely get the bubble wrap as we have never really used that before! Xx #letkidsbekids

Caroline (Becoming a SAHM) recently posted…Homemade Snow / A bad day
Sounds like you’ve got the craft cupboard well in order then! Thanks for popping by to visit. xx

Hope recently posted…Valentines Day: Easy Kids Craft
yes i agree with all these items, complete essentials. im pleased to confirm we have them all in our craft box! #LetKidsBeKids
i agree with all of these items, definite essentials for any crafty fun. i’m please to confirm i have all these in our craft box! #LetKidsBeKids
I bet you have some serious crafting sessions with a well stocked cupboard!

Hope recently posted…Valentines Day: Easy Kids Craft
Great tips. We love crafts and my craft supply box is growing constantly to over flowing. I’ve not used bubble wrap though, must give it a go.

Thanks for sharing #LetKidsbeKids
Karen Bell recently posted…Let kids be kids linky 10/2/15
So glad we could give you some more ideas!

Hope recently posted…Valentines Day: Easy Kids Craft
What great suggestions to get people started.

Norah Colvin recently posted…All in the family
Thanks Norah!

Hope recently posted…Valentines Day: Easy Kids Craft
Such a great list – have most of them in mine but will be adding some of the others. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

Louise recently posted…Congenital heart defects: books for children
Great to hear Louise, happy we were able to help!

Hope recently posted…Valentines Day: Easy Kids Craft
Check! Yes, I’ve got all of these, and there are so many uses for all these items. Great list 🙂 #letkidsbekids

Tarana Khan recently posted…Can compassion change the world?
Thanks Tarana!

Hope recently posted…Valentines Day: Easy Kids Craft